Mitsubishi Estate Logistics REIT Investment Corporation



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Portfolio Strategy

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Focusing on “location,” “building features” and “stability,” we aim to build a long-term and stable portfolio through selective investments in highly competitive logistics facilities that meet tenant needs and considered into sustainability.

MEL’s Investment Policy


Focus on investing in logistics hub connecting “consumer location” and “industrial location” mainly in the three metropolitan areas (the Tokyo metropolitan area, the Osaka metropolitan area and the Nagoya metropolitan area)
Focus on the area where it is easy to hire employees, which is becoming more important for logistics facilities
Use the regional network mainly in the areas where MEC’s head office and branches are located
(Note) “Tokyo metropolitan area” refers to Tokyo, and Kanagawa, Chiba, Saitama and Ibaraki Prefectures, “Osaka metropolitan area” refers to Osaka, Hyogo, Kyoto, Nara and Shiga Prefectures, and “Nagoya metropolitan area” refers to Aichi, Mie and Gifu Prefectures.

Building Features

In principle, invest in logistics facilities with a floor space of 10,000 m2 or more for a long-term and stable operation that takes sustainability into consideration such as responding to climate change and other environmental issues
Given the diversification of types of tenant cargos and purposes of logistics facilities, versatility of the asset becomes important to meet a wide range of tenant needs in the future
Focus on the structure and specifications with leasing flexibility in order to achieve tenant diversification.
Invest in industrial real estate such as plants, R&D facilities and data centers etc.


Conclude a lease agreement with tenants in consideration of earnings stability of the entire portfolio
Diversify tenants in the portfolio
By actively using MEC Group’s relationship with corporate customers, build a good relationship with logistics operators and cargo owners
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