Environmental Performance

Basic Policy

MJIA has established an environmental management system and strives to protect the environment by promoting environmental initiatives and reducing environmental impact, while also complying with environmental laws and regulations. The Mitsubishi Estate Group also proposes cutting-edge environmental initiatives to ensure that its business activities play a leading role in the development of sustainable communities.
MEL strives to invest in environmentally friendly logistics facilities, and will continue to focus on maximizing the energy efficiency of our properties and is committed to minimizing environmental impact through various sustainable features and initiatives.

Environmental Performance Data

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15% reduction by FY2030 (FY2017 standard)

Energy Consumption Total energy
Breakdown (MWh) Data
(GFA basis)
(Note 1)
(Note 2)
FY2017 27,920 1,625 26,294 100% 50.20 -
FY2018 30,601 1,629 28,972 100% 54.95 9.5%
FY2019 33,314 1,793 31,521 100% 46.78 ▲6.8%
FY2020 39,146 2,504 36,642 100% 45.30 ▲9.7%
FY2021 42,172 2,613 39,559 100% 38.49 ▲23.3%
FY2022 52,716 2,790 49,926 100% 37.95 ▲24.4%
FY2023 57,791 3,097 54,694 100% 37.81 ▲24.7%

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30% reduction by FY2030 (FY2017 standard)

GHG emissions GHG emissions
(Note 3)
Breakdown (t-CO2) Data coverage
(Floor area basis)
(Note 1)
GHG emission intensity
(Note 2)
Scope1 Scope2
(Location-based method)
FY2017 13,754 0.0 9,319.7 4,434.3 100% 0.025 -
FY2018 14,662 0.0 9,608.0 5,053.8 100% 0.026 6.5%
FY2019 14,885 0.1 5,763.3 9,121.3 100% 0.021 ▲15.3%
FY2020 16,755 0.3 6,811.4 9,943.6 100% 0.019 ▲21.3%
FY2021 17,598 0.4 7,011.0 10,586.9 100% 0.016 ▲34.7%
FY2022 22,219 0.3 2,849.0 19,369.5 100% 0.016 ▲35.2%
FY2023 22,514 0.6 2,811.9 19,701.9 100% 0.015 ▲40.4%

We are only accounting for Scope 2 emissions for which MEL has management authority from FY2022.

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42% reduction of GHG emissions(Scope 1 + 2)by FY2030 (FY2021 standard) ※SBT certified

Scope2 (Market-based method)
(t-CO2) (Note)
Percentage Change
FY2021 0.4 938.8 939.2 -
FY2022 0.3 860.2 860.5 ▲8.4%
FY2023 0.6 0 0.6 ▲99.9%

(Note)Scope 2 (Market-based method) is calculated considering co-ownership. MEL purchased non-fossil fuel certificates equivalent to our entire Scope 2 emissions from FY2023, achieving a 100% offset of our Scope 2 emissions.

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Do not increase by FY2030 (FY2017 standard)

Water Consumption Water supply usage (m3) Data coverage
(GFA basis)(Note 1)
Water consumption intensity
(m3/m2) (Note 2)
FY2017 63,255 100% 0.114 -
FY2018 70,833 100% 0.127 11.9%
FY2019 73,839 100% 0.103 ▲9.8%
FY2020 80,550 100% 0.092 ▲18.9%
FY2021 84,855 100% 0.082 ▲27.6%
FY2022 110,410 100% 0.078 ▲31.4%
FY2023 128,747 100% 0.084 ▲25.9%

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70% or more by FY2030

Waste Management Waste discharge weight (t) Data coverage
(Floor area basis) (Note 1)
Data coverage
(GFA basis) (Note 1)
FY2017 1,202 82.5% 54.9%
FY2018 1,624 87.9% 73.3%
FY2019 1,700 93.6% 66.6%
FY2020 1,867 86.7% 63.4%
FY2021 3,939 90.6% 62.3%
FY2022 4,802 79.1% 70.2%
FY2023 4,849 86.4% 64.8%

(Note 1)Numerator: Total floor area (m2) of properties for which data for the current year are identified. Denominator: Total portfolio floor area for the current fiscal year

(Note 2)The basic unit is a value calculated by considering the utilization rate, with the numerator for each consumption, etc., and the total portfolio floor area for each fiscal year as the denominator.

(Note 3)Emissions from the tenant-management portion are accounted for in Scope3 based on the owners/tenants' control authority.
In addition, Scope of the same property may differ from year to year depending on the status of acquiring the data.

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Solar Power Generation Annual power generation
FY2018 7,017,147
FY2019 6,710,582
FY2020 11,432,928
FY2021 14,311,834
FY2022 14,709,934
FY2023 18,124,693

(Note)Renewable energy generated by the portfolio properties is sold externally with some exceptions. The figures for co-ownership properties are based on 100%. The amount of solar power generation is based on the properties for which the requisite data and periods are available.

Some data that is the basis of the above table "Environment-related data" is subject to limited guarantee by a third-party organization (Japan Environmental Certification Organization). Please refer to the following third party warranty report for details.

※Greenhouse Gas Emissions Independent Verification Report

※Environmental Performance Data Independent Verification Report