Contributions to Local Communities

Basic Policy

Mitsubishi Estate Group is aware of harmony with the local community, support for culture and the arts, environmental conservation, and social welfare — is set out in the Group Guidelines and linked to the Group's business strategy.
MEL will implement initiatives based on these policies and also work to coexist harmoniously with the local communities in the areas surrounding our managed properties.

Urban Revitalization (Flexible and Mixed Use・Expansion of Local Employment)

MEL owns highly versatile facilities, with space that can be converted to meet the needs of diverse tenants. These enable to operate the property stably over the long term, contributing to the promotion of local employment and regional revitalization.
Specifically, these are equipped not only with warehouse section as their main use,but also with office section.
As a result, tenants can use it not only as a warehouse, but also as a office for flexible purposes.


Coexistence with Local Communities

MEL has been participating in a range of activities to contribute to local communities and local society. We also foster mutual communication with various stakeholders, including local authorities, local residents, and visitors of our facilities, through such activities.

Cleanup volunteer activity after
Atsugi Ayu Firework Festival
(MJ Logipark Atsugi 1)

Cleanup and flower bed maintenance
volunteer activity (Logicross Atsugi)

Distribution of food and drinks to
tenant employees to reduce food waste
(MJ Logipark Fukuoka 1)

Installed charity vending machine
(MJ Logipark Fukuoka 1)

Free salt candy service for tenants

Cooperation with Local Disaster Prevention

Register for Disaster Cooperation Building
(LOGIPORT Sagamihara, LOGIPORT Hashimoto)

Designation as a Tsunami Evacuation Facility
Conclusion of disaster prevention agreements in case of assumed flood damage, etc.
(Logicross Nagoya Kasadera)

Provided as a designated emergency evacuation site in the case of a tsunami disaster or flood
(LOGIPORT Osaka Taisho)

Community Contribution Activities by MJIA

①Participation in cleanup activities at office locations

MJIA participates in the "Chiyoda Ward Cleanup Activities" organized by Chiyoda Ward.


Cleaning activities on the Chiyoda Ward General
Cleanup Day
(Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku)

②Programs to Support Employee Volunteer Activities

MJIA is working to create an environment that makes it easy for employees to volunteer activities, such as Volunteer Support Programs available to employees.

Volunteer leave MJIA allows their employees to use accumulated leave (special paid leave) when they perform volunteer activities related to disasters to which the Disaster Relief Act applies.
Volunteer insurance MJIA provides insurance that compensates for accidents during volunteering (also for family members)
Activity fee subsidy MJIA partially subsidizes volunteer participation and travel expenses (also for family members)
Subsidy program for volunteer's travel expenses to disaster-affected areas MJIA partially subsidizes travel expenses for volunteering related to disasters covered under the Disaster Relief Act (also for family members)

③Relief Supplies to the Developing Countries

As a substitute for notebooks, we donated unused calendars to elementary schools in developing countries through support organizations to support children in the future.

④Donate Masks to Chiyoda Ward Health Center

Under the current circumstances of the shortage of masks at medical institutions, we donated the 1,900 unused surge masks we have stored to the Chiyoda Ward Health Center.

⑤Participation in local contribution activities at group companies

・Ecosystem conservation project in the moat of the Imperial Palace

MJIA participates in "Hori Project" ("Hori PJ") conducted by Mitsubishi Estate to improve the waterside environment and restore and preserve rare water plants originating from the moat in the outer garden of the Imperial Palace.
"Hori PJ" aims to regenerate the ecosystem by building a network of biodiversity connected around the moat, and also to make the city even more attractive.

Mitsubishi Estate site(Preserving Biodiversity)


Ecosystem conservation project
in the moat of the Imperial Palace