Human Rights
Human Rights Initiatives
As a member of society, the Mitsubishi Estate Group is keenly aware of the importance of respect for human rights. To fulfill our responsibility to respect the basic human rights of all stakeholders, not only those involved in Group businesses, we set up the Mitsubishi Estate Group Human Rights Policy on April 1, 2018. Respect for human rights is part of the Mitsubishi Estate Group Guidelines for Conduct, which all employees are expected to follow on a daily basis. These Guidelines stress the importance of respect for human rights and diversity, which means that employees show concern for human rights and the environment in the course of their business activities. The Human Rights Policy is intended to ensure that we, as a good corporation, understand that internationally mandated human rights are a bare minimum that we must go beyond, that we reaffirm the importance of supporting, protecting and respecting human rights and that we work to respect the fundamental human rights of every single person involved in the Group's businesses.
Mitsubishi Estate Group Code of Corporate Conduct (excerpt)
Respecting Human Rights and Employee Diversity
We respect human rights and believe that diversity maximizes value.
- We respect human rights at all times.
- We reject discrimination and harassment in any form.
- We strive to establish a creative and competitive organization that safeguards and respects the beliefs of the individual as reflected in the diverse communities in which we work and live.
- We foster an open corporate culture in which all employees are encouraged to speak freely.
Mitsubishi Estate Group Human Rights Policy (excerpt)
We uphold and respect international standards related to human rights. These include the International Bill of Human Rights, which sets out the fundamental human rights possessed by all the people of the world, and the International Labour Organization's Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, which contains requirements concerning fundamental rights in the workplace.
We help ensure that respect for human rights is actively practiced in all business activities, and that such activities do not infringe on the human rights of other people. If such activities nevertheless result in a violation of the human rights of others, efforts shall be made to minimize the negative impact.
We carry out human rights due diligence in order to minimize any negative impact caused by human rights violations occurring as a result of the Group's business activities. We maintain a framework for human rights due diligence and make improvements to the framework on an ongoing basis or if problems arise in order to improve its efficacy.
Furthermore, in the event that the activities of a business partner or any other individual or organization affiliated with the Mitsubishi Estate Group directly have a negative impact on the human rights of others, even if we were not directly involved in fostering such a negative impact, we shall endeavor to make improvements together with stakeholders to ensure respect for human rights and eliminate all violations.
Based on our human rights policy, MJIA understands and respects human rights that are internationally proclaimed based on our human rights policies as a minimum, and supports and respects their protection, are committed to respecting the human rights of all parties involved, including those derived from our businesses. In order to become aware of discrimination and to foster awareness of human rights, we conduct training on human rights, focusing on the prevention of harassment, which is also a human rights issue in the workplace.
Human Rights Training
MJIA carries out harassment training program once a year.
Send employees to Human rights enlightenment training courses (External training program:Tokyo Human Right Awareness Liaison Group)
The Asset Management Company has established a consultation service for violations of laws and regulations, violations of internal rules, harassment, and other matters that are contrary to broad ethical and social standards of decency for employees (including directors, full-time employees, contract employees, part-time employees, temporary employees, and retired employees (Hereinafter referred to as "employees, etc." in this section) and all persons engaged in the business of the Asset Management Company and all of employees, etc. can declare or submit anonymously.
The President &CEO has the ultimate responsibility for the operation of the whistle-blowing system, and regularly disseminate the significance and importance of the system to employees, etc., and thoroughly inform them of the purpose.
The privacy of whistleblowers and consultants is strictly protected, and appropriate action is taken after confirming and investigating the facts of the matter. If necessary, the Mitsubishi Estate Group Helpline may also be used.
If the results of the investigation reveal any misconduct, etc., the General Manager of the Compliance Department shall immediately report it to the President & CEO, who, in the name of the President & CEO, shall immediately order the department or employee, etc. that is committing the misconduct to cease the misconduct and promptly take corrective and recurrence-prevention measures.
In addition, whistleblowers are legally protected by the Whistleblower Protection Act, which prohibits any disadvantageous treatment or harassment of whistleblowers on the basis of their reporting, and we take appropriate measures to prevent the deterioration of the working environment for whistleblowers and others, thereby striving to protect whistleblowers and create an environment for the proper functioning of the internal reporting system.